Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chapter 3

I think that knowing your computer is very important. The different applications that your computer contains will allow you exceed and become more creative with your work. Packaged software is also very useful because not all computers come ready for you to use with Microsoft Word and all of those different programs. Also, having shortcuts for the different programs is very useful as well. The icons that represent them have become very modern and being able to open an application without going through the hassle of looking for it within the computer makes it easier for users.
Graphics has also become very popular to users because it allows them to be creative. You can create different backgrounds and make your computer your own. You can also create a more eye catching presentation or advertisement. This also gives students a wider range of creativity for projects and presentations. Graphics has become very common and something that is used frequently.
Schools also use software for organizational purposes and allows teachers to track students records. It is also used for the learning environment such as learning a foreign language, exceeding your math skills or even help correct grammatical errors in your essay. Software has become very useful to me in school because it allows me to become more creative with work. It also helps me with some of essays and the formats. Software is very useful at home and even at school.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Chapter 2

Networks are now based upon the World Wide Web and even advertise their products on it. Things such as EBay and other businesses have made it easier for customers to shop and buy at the click of a button. It even allows students to get more in depth information then they would learn in class. Schools have made it more accessible for students to get on the web and use it by providing more computers for students and teachers. With all of the networks that can be used, the Internet is made easier to communicate whether it be wired or wireless. Also with high- speed or broadband, students can surf the web even faster and retrieve the information needed the ease.
Schools have also used this to their advantage by making it easier to retrieve a students information and records. They can also access resources and communicate with other teachers and educators all over the world. The security of the Internet has also made it very beneficial. Teachers can put a block on inappropriate sites and the students would not be able to enter that site. Technology will continue to grow and students will be able to use the Internet and computer programs to become successful in the future.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Chapter 1

Chapter one explains the basics of computers and technology. It tells us how computers have become a common thing in many households and how it is all around us. Computers have evolved from a telegraph to a large mainframe computer and now a personal computer or laptop. We now can even enjoy our favorite television shows and music on our computers and made things more interactive. This has also overcome our youth and their response to technology.
The youth of today has become more media dependent than previous generations. Computers have interactive learning and multitask to communicate or do anything. With all of the new technology kids today have much more to do with technology. Children are now raised by technology and it is an everyday source of information or communication for them. With computers it makes searching for information sources, talking to their friends and listening to music at the same time all possible.
Education has even begun to use more and more technology to teach their students. With online textbooks and even classes, soon enough there will be no need for teachers. Technology will is now able to answer student’s questions about any problem and give examples. Computers have made teaching easier but with the growth of technology, teachers may not be needed anymore.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blog One

My prior experiences with technology are very wide. In high school I took a course about computers and the different programs within them. I did learn a lot but my skills with using Excel lack. I am very good with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint because I had to write many papers and also make many presentations but I never had to much experience with Excel. I am always on the computer just going on the internet so I am very capable of how computers work. Technology is not very difficult for me because I have lived around almost my whole life also because my father works with computers, so he always gets a new gadget every once and a while.
In this class I hope to learn more about mostly Microsoft Excel because that is my weakest point. I also hope to learn new things about other programs so that I can better my computer skills. I want to expand my knowledge of computers and their programs. I feel that in the long run I will be able to use what I have learned to get a job and also teach in a variety of ways. This will make me a versatile person and help me deal with computer better.
I learned that my learning style is pretty basic. I am mostly a sequential learner and I knew that because I do like things in order and I do not like to just get the answer but not know how I did it. I am also a visual learner, but I usually do well with lectures and do not focus on the pictures very much so I thought that was a surprise. I also saw that I was an active learner, which I agree with because I would rather do something than just think it in my head. I think you get more done when you go for it rather than just wait around and think about it.