Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chapter 3

I think that knowing your computer is very important. The different applications that your computer contains will allow you exceed and become more creative with your work. Packaged software is also very useful because not all computers come ready for you to use with Microsoft Word and all of those different programs. Also, having shortcuts for the different programs is very useful as well. The icons that represent them have become very modern and being able to open an application without going through the hassle of looking for it within the computer makes it easier for users.
Graphics has also become very popular to users because it allows them to be creative. You can create different backgrounds and make your computer your own. You can also create a more eye catching presentation or advertisement. This also gives students a wider range of creativity for projects and presentations. Graphics has become very common and something that is used frequently.
Schools also use software for organizational purposes and allows teachers to track students records. It is also used for the learning environment such as learning a foreign language, exceeding your math skills or even help correct grammatical errors in your essay. Software has become very useful to me in school because it allows me to become more creative with work. It also helps me with some of essays and the formats. Software is very useful at home and even at school.


med06g said...

I think you make a good point; knowing your computer will make it easier to use. As computers are being used more frequently, it will be to our benefit to learn as much about them as possible.

Kari Sewell said...

I completely agree that knowing your computer can be vital in excelling in the creativity department. As far as creating shortcuts is concerned… I definitely use them. I am lazy beyond reason when it comes to searching for a program. Graphics are popular for certain on my laptop. I use graphics for all of my activities at Raa Middle School. The students surely enjoy them more than just sitting there and looking at black and white text. Not only is organizational software good for school use, but also in the home. I am to balance bills and keep a running to do list; among many other things.

clw06c said...

You did a very good job at responding to the chapter and summarizing it. By reading this, it would help someone understand the chapter if they had not read it.

chanyson said...

Good job! However, you should have added one more paragraph on new skills you acquired since your last posting. 1.5 points.